
Big Red Tenor Guitar

Red Big Red
Possibly the first four-string cello guitar (tuned CGDA), BIG
RED combines the best qualities of the flat-top guitar and the
mandocello in one instrument. Originally based on a Bourgeois
slope-shouldered dreadnought body, BIG RED is built with padauk back and
sides, a spruce top, and a long 26.5″ scale (similar to a cello) that
projects powerful bass response, great sustain, and clear separation of
tones. BIG RED has none of the weak muddiness of most acoustic bass
guitars, and none of the wimpiness of most mandocellos. Bass (even slap
bass), rhythm, or melody are all possible on this unique hybrid

Big Red – $2950

Total Length

Width-Upper Bout

Width-Lower Bout

Maximum Depth of Body

Body Length

Scale Length

40 5/8″

11 3/8″

15 7/8″

4 7/8″

20 1/8″

26 1/2″
